Tanya Chin
Marketing and Sales Officer
Tanya's passion for renewable energy and energy efficiency is unmatched even from her formative years. She served as the Operations Manager for the first Energy Services Company in the English-speaking Caribbean, Caribbean ESCo, from 2012 to 2014. While at Caribbean ESCo she was instrumental in the successful completion of several renewable and energy efficiency projects. Including the drafting and execution of the very first ESCo contract in Jamaica. Under which an 84kW wind/solar hybrid system was installed and commissioned, along with energy efficiency solutions. At Caribbean ESCo she also aided in the funding and launch of a community food drying project, aimed at helping to preserve seasonal foods and extend supply period.
Most notably she worked alongside the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) as a business development coach (2013-2014), assisting entrepreneurs to complete actionable business plans and connecting them with investors. Among the projects included is the food drying projects for Northern Caribbean University in Jamaica and Southern Caribbean University in Trinidad. Prior to this she worked as a reporter for the North Coast Times and IRIE Fm.